Fly, Penguin!

I blog so I don't forget.

CI/CD, the status quo

3 minute read

… is quickly summed up: Working. 🙂

So I am - naturally - a happy camper. Although, there are a couple of things I would like to change, which don’t scale or are in a state I’m not happy with for “v1.0” yet.

Container data persistency

Rancher does offer convoy, but I’m not sure it really fits my needs, and even if I’m not using it yet. And it starts to hurt not to have this. Badly. (AWS Elastic File System would be excactly what I need, but that’s not going to happen I fear). And even this is the most hurting part, not sure if this is the one I can solve quickest.

Pressure: 9


It’s embarassing, but - I don’t have host monitoring. I don’t even remember how often I needed to re-create a host cause the disk went full without me noticing (and recreation is just so much easier than fixing, actually, so at least this is a good sign). The current evaluation candiate is sysdig cloud. That might change to DataDog. And don’t get me started on log management.

Pressure: 8,5


While I like TeamCity, it’s - like all things Java - horribly, completely, fully over-engineered mess with billions of functions which all don’t quite do what you want. In our case it’s also reduced to executing basically 3 scripts. So TeamCity must go, mid term. Replacement? No idea. Gradle,, wercker, distelli or Travis seem viable candidates. (Also found an interesting article about online CI tools which is well worth a read).

Pressure: 7


It’s written by me. And it sucks, and, although it works, it must go.

Pressure: 7


Currently I am focused on “getting things to usable”. Security is not on that list. I need to address some of the issues which I ignored until now, mainly because they might have architecture impact. (Which I believe I planned pretty well, but who knows until you have to actually do it, right?)

Pressure: 6


I am still using Puppet. Might be overkill, but it’s reliable once set up. That brings me to … the set up. I am still using masterless puppet, one environment, and pulling the repo from each host each time. Simple, robust, working, but not elegant. I see different environments coming up, and then … hm. It’s gonna be complicated.

Pressure: 6


Rancher is awesome. But I’m so desperately waiting for this feature right here to arrive it’s not funny any more 🙂 . I also need the same thing for host-based services (which are not inside of a container orchestration platform). I want to spawn a service somewhere, and an Amazon Route53 entry should appear automatically. Preferably based on a consul readout. So DNS management becomes a non-issue.

Pressure: 5


If one host breaks, the whole cloud is inoperable. Which one? The NAT host. Needed for any host to get a connection to the outside in AWS. And that’s just one breaking point of a couple. Critical? Not really. Super annoying? You bet.

Pressure: 4


Currently I use cloudformation to set everything up. And although it’s an awesome product, it’s kinda limited. If a host is gone, I can’t call “cloudformation fix-it” and this very host will respawn. With tools like terraform this is possible, but terraform relies (or relied the last time I looked) on local state data, which is a big pffft. It also means to really test an updated cloudformation template I have to recreate the full thing, which is just too cumbersome. (Takes about 1 hour to completely migrate everything, if done quickly, which is awesome for a complete outage, but really bad for testing). But maybe I just don’t know enough and my template is way too tightly written.

Pressure: 3